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This is where you can locate other organisations that may be of benefit
Your Third Age
U3A is the largest provider of adult education programs for retirees in Queensland. All programs are provided by volunteers. There are now 33 U3A groups in Queensland with an estimated 20,000 members. Weekly classes are held in a whole range of subjects - including computing, languages, travel, the Arts and a range of physical fitness activities. We learn for the joy of learning- no prerequisites, no exams!
If you wish to share your experiences or expertise in management or as a tutor or as the presenter of a special interest talk, your local U3A group will welcome your offer.
The Redland District Committee on the Ageing (RDCOTA) is an independent, not-for-profit, community organisation based in Redlands City which is located in the south east corner of Queensland, Australia. Our objectives are to promote the rights, interests and well-being of people over the age of 50 in Redland City.
The scope of RDCOTA’s activities includes:
Fostering community development in the seniors’ sector;
Contributing to the development of policies which affect seniors, and advocating on their behalf to government and other decision making bodies;
Providing services directly to seniors in the community, particularly those who are disadvantaged or socially isolated;
Offering information and education programs relating to seniors issues to seniors, their families and their carers.
Hearing Organisations
Other Groups
Better Hearing Australis Brisbane Inc was established in 1947 by deafened and hard of hearing individuals in response to the need to meet together in order to provide information, support, understanding and opportunities to acquire knowledge and better communication skills to deal with the problems caused by loss of hearing.
The NRS is an Australia-wide phone service for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.
The NRS is available to everyone at no additional charge.
The NRS is committed to protecting the privacy of the content of all calls and the identity of callers.
STAR Community Services Ltd
A charity organisation, based in Cleveland.
STAR is a not-for- profit organisation which provides transport assistance for eligible residents of Redland City who have difficulty in accessing transport. In time, STAR will add other services to its existing Community Services programs to assist us to offer a broader range of services to our clients, which may include direct care, case management and financial advising, as funding to eligible clients moves to what is termed Consumer Directed Care.
Operating since 1903,
Deaf Services Queensland is the leading provider of support services and information to the Deaf and hard of hearing community in Queensland.
Is the national representative of all Australians who have a hearing impairment, a chronic disorder of the ear, are Deaf or deafblind, and the families who support them.
With the authority and support of our members, Deafness Forum advises the government on strategic policy development and reform on behalf of the one in six Australians whose interests and views we represent.
About Us
The Centre was opened in 1987 with funds from State and Local Government and donations from the community. Its purpose is to provide a venue for social, intellectual and physical activities for the elders and future elders of the Redland community.
The Centre has a large auditorium and several activity rooms and a kitchen and café area. The many activities conducted in the Centre can be viewed on our Activities page; our day and overnight tours can be seen on our Travel page and other one-off events are presented on our Events page
Australian Hearing is the nation’s leading hearing specialist and largest provider of Government funded hearing services
Bradley Reporting is committed to making our community accessible to all. We provide real-time captioning and transcription services to governments, businesses and community organisations, ensuring your event is accessible.
Examples of our community access services include:
Federal, state and local government information sessions
Community forums and seminars
Disability network meetings
Public performances and festivals.
What is CapTel?
CapTel is a telephone that allows people who have difficulty hearing on the phone to enjoy the telephone without the stress of missing parts of the conversation.
The CapTel handset looks and works like a traditional phone with the added benefits of large numbers and a screen. There are two major differences of the CapTel handset.
Firstly it amplifies the conversation and most importantly it captions the other party’s words on the screen, ensuring you catch every word.
What does the acronym 'CICADA' stand for?
Cochlear Implant Club and ADvisory Association
CICADA Queensland is a completely independent not-for-profit support organisation staffed by volunteers. We aim to help hearing-impaired people who have a Cochlear Implant - and people who are thinking about getting one - connect with others in a similar position and make new friends in a supportive environment.
We are also involved in championing hearing-impaired and cochlear implant recipients' rights and awareness in
the broader community.
Circle of Men Queensland has been quietly operating for more than eight years. The organisation’s aim is for our volunteers to provide a safe environment in which men in aged care can gather and help each other through the challenges they face. They meet weekly in a group setting, to help each other alleviate the loneliness and social isolation that surrounds older men at this vulnerable stage of their life. The program currently operates in 13 aged care facilities in Redland City and Brisbane in the Australian state of Queensland.