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The room is provided with a FM System to improve your hearing quality by transmitting direct to your hearing aid via the T’switch on your hearing aid or with  headphones.



Saturday 11 th November 2017


Donald Simpson Centre

172 Bloomfield St, Cleveland QLD


Start 10:00 am - 12:00 am


DSC Members $6

Non DSC Members $10

Per Person inc Morning Tea -

New Donald Simpson Memebers First Visit FREE

(Costs are for room hire, use of equipment and morning tea)


A Psychological Perspective


The Hearing Impaired

Guest Speaker:  Dr David Marriott

David was the foundation director of the Applied Psychology Unit, established in Sydney in 1983.


His career has included consulting assignments for organisations in Australasia, North America, East Africa, Europe and South East Asia.


His research interests include psychological well-being, personality profiling and teamwork psychology. He is based in Ormiston.


Dr Marriott is a psychologist who has a hearing impairment himself. He will be giving a short presentation on Behaviour and the hearing impaired and how having impairment can affect your Behaviour.


There will be time given for question and answers followed by our Christmas breakup

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