Jills Jottings – April 2015
Jills Jottings – April 2015
Last month we looked at 'active listening' - giving appropriate feedback as a means of managing our communication challenges.
I recently came across an interesting article by Gael Hannan, Editor - on a Canadian website of 'Better Hearing Consumer – Hearing Health and Technology Matters.” Gael puts forward her 'credo'- her statement of the beliefs or aims that guide / manage her challenges. Following are some of her beliefs as a person with a hearing loss:
my most important goal is not to hear better, but to communicate better I must learn to listen with all my gifts – my ears, my eyes, my heart and my mind.
by accepting my hearing loss, I am breaking down personal barriers.
by advocating for others with hearing loss, I am helping to break down public and societal barriers.
by being honest about my hearing loss and articulating my communication needs, I become a better communicator
I need professional help from a hearing health provider who makes me feel comfortable and who works hard to find solutions that meet my needs
by connecting with others who have hearing loss, I am stepping into a circle of invisible and unbreakable supports
it's not always easy to see the humour in awkward hearing moments – but it helps
I must respect the the hearing that I have and protect it from further damage due to noise
hearing loss affects us all – me, my family, my friends. I recognise that my hearing loss presents challenges for them, and I must honour and celebrate their efforts to make our communication successful
Gael admits that her Credo doesn't always guide her actions.but in acknowledging what she believes to be true, the dark moments of hearing loss pass quickly and she lives in hope that the next time will be easier.
Of course we could also look to the past for inspiration. I came across some historical views / treatments for curing / managing deafness – a mix of old wives tales and superstition: ie
stick a twig in the ear and keep it there all day and night until the deafness is cured
heat your urine using two dishes, and use the water that boils off, in the ear. The water in the ear will stop the deafness
fry peach kernels in hog lard and put drops in the ear until deafness is cured
climb up very high then suddenly jump down – the sharp fall will restore the hearing
take opium – the drug will cure deafness
cut the body and let out some blood (blood letting) – this will cure deafness
let yourself be hypnotised – when you come out of it you will hear again!!
Given that the twig would be uncomfortable - and I don't like the idea of urine in my ear - and the hog lard is a bit off-putting - and I don't like heights - and I would finish up in jail over the opium – and I am very averse to blood letting – Gael's Credo presents as the best option!!!
We can be thankful, can't we, that we live in the 21st century with its enlightened perceptions of hearing loss, technological innovation, the ability to discuss the problems of poor hearing – and seek through discussion, ways of overcoming those problems.
Please let me know if there are topics that you would like covered in these jottings. Till next month