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David Brady Chairman of the Board Deafness Forum Australia - Meeting at Donald Simpson Centre

On October 29th a meeting was held at the Donald Simpson Community Centre to promote the installation of communication access systems within the Centre. These will assist people with hearing loss when they attend meetings and activities at the Centre.

Audio induction loops have been installed, and FM systems are available. A counter loop is also available at Reception. The installation of communication systems in Redland City Council facilities was also acknowledged.

Tony Christinson Chairman of the DSCC pointed out that Peter and Jill’s persistence in explaining the need for people with hearing loss to have assistance is commendable and the main reason that this has eventuated.

He also could not understand why some people could not see the reasoning behind this as it was obvious to all, that as a person in a wheel chair needed a ramp to get into the centre, a person with hearing loss would need assistance to hear.

It is believed that this action by the Centre and the Council has set a benchmark in communication access provision, ensuring social inclusion for those who have a hearing loss. Hopefully, other organisations will follow, knowing that the outcome is more than positive. While this remarkable achievement is an overwhelming success, all agreed that this is only the tip of the iceberg in relation to other matters that effect people with a hearing loss.

Pictured from left to right:

Tony Christinson, Chairman of the Donald Simpson Community Centre (DSCC)

Paul Barnes, Convenor of the Redlands Hearing Impaired Support Group (RHISG) and Treasurer of the DSCC;

Jill and Peter Lindley;

David Brady Chairman of the Board of Deafness Forum Australia, and CEO of Hear for You Victoria;

Alan Beard, deputy Mayor of Redlands

Shirley Edwards, Secretary CICADA Queensland.

Thomas Jithin Manager of the Centre.

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